Moomins helping to live in harmony with nature

A multidisciplinary, international (from three continents!) team of Aalto University students in the Sustainable Global Technologies program traveled in Mexico earlier this year. During the first phase of Aalto LAB Mexico’s three-year project in Uxuxubí, the team was identifying and analyzing Uxuxubí’s challenges and opportunities as it starts to build its ecotourism capacity.

Living in harmony with nature is one of the main themes also in the Moomin stories by Tove Jansson. Although Moomin stories were written during the 1940s-1970s the theme is very current and actual even today. Understanding the importance of this Aalto University’s project, Moomin Characters Oy Ltd. found it natural to support the team’s journey.

To thank locals for their kindness and for happily helping Aalto University’s team during their journey in Mexico, the team spread the Moominous joy by giving the locals some gifts from Finland, sponsored by the Moomin Characters Oy Ltd.

Like Moomins, also the Uxuxubí locals really value living in harmony with nature.

Lawrence from Ghana, Elizabeth from the USA and Jennifer from Finland

Read more about the project: Sustainable Tourism in Uxuxubí / Sustainable Global Technologies Studio / AaltoLAB / Mexico Projects 2017